Welcome (our 80th anniversary year)

All Members Tuesday 14th May at 7pm . Kimber Trophy competition and AGM


Most meetings are held at the MainHall, Roding Valley High School, Loughton. IG10 3JA (we sometimes meet in the Music room)

Come in off Alderton Hill, facing the main entrance, to the left is a sign for staff car parking, take that and look for the main hall to your right, white windows, and a blue door. The Music room is to the left of the main hall up a slope.

Tuesday evening meetings 7:45pm for 8pm start, meetings end about 9:45pm

Saturday auctions viewing from 2pm, auction starts 2:30pm



  • Tuesday. September 12th. all members recent acquisitions

  • Tuesday. (main hall) October 10th. Subject Don Davies Entertains

  • Tuesday. (music room) November 7th. Post Office Railways & London Underground. Len Stanway (Basidon PS)

  • Tuesday. December 12th. Members and Guests The Christmas Evening & quiz and Bring & Buy


  • SATURDAY. January 13th. GRAND AUCTION: Viewing from 2pm.  Auction starts at 3pm

  • Tuesday February 14th. All members. Covers & postcards.

  • Tuesday. March 14th.  Inland Revenue & National Savings, Denis Noe (Banstead)

  • Tuesday. April 9th. All Members. Combined competition evening. except the Kimber Trophy, now at AGM. Closing Date for the June auction lots 

  • Tuesday. May 14th Kimber Trophy letters X, Y & Z. Annual General Meeting and Bring & Buy

  • SATURDAY. June 8th  GRAND AUCTION: Viewing from 2pm. Auction starts at 3pm.

Competition Rules
Forest Trophy: This consists of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 16 sheets. Each entry is to cover, Postal History, Postal Stationary or Postcards
Forest Cup: This consists of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 16 sheets. Each entry is to cover a Single Country Exhibit or a Closely Connected Group of Countries.
Thematic Trophy: This consists of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 16 sheets. Each entry is to be a Themed in stamps of a Specific Subject.
A E JONES SALVER: This consists of a single sheet of Philatelic Interest.
H E KIMBER TROPHY: This consists of a maximum of 8 sheets. Each entry is to be based on a Letter(s) printed in the Club's programme.

  • Each member may only enter a single entry into each class

Contact us:


Benefits of membership

  • Meetings with guest speakers
  • Beginners welcome
  • Circulating stamp packets
  • Competitions
  • Auctions
  • Low membership fees Adults £12 Junior £3

AUTUMN STAMPEX. 28th-30th September- 2023.
STAMPERSHAM 15th Oct 2023, 10am-3:30pm, Chiltern Lifestyle Center, HP5 5AH (5min walk from Amersham Station) 15-20 dealer

LONDON SPRING EXHIBITION 2024, 28th-30th March at Royal Philatelic Society, London

Photographs from our 70th anniversary meeting

Chairman Colin Banfield makes his presentation on the earliest mail in the Epping Forest Area

The Loughton town Mayor shown exhibits by Stuart Henderson

The Royal Mail’s very own Mail Rail that, up to 2003, linked underground most of London’s major mainline stations with the Central London sorting office at Mount Pleasant